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We’ve seen how the MAGA cult operates

The GOP is the world's weirdest, most dysfunctional circus.

I mean, seriously, they are still defending Trump. The man incited an insurrection. He's been indicted twice. Twice! And they're still behind him. It's like they have a Ph.D. in corruption and delusion.

If you're as fed up with Republican B.S. as I am, now's the time to show them that we've had enough. A strong show of support this quarter will make it crystal clear that we're done with their political games. Can you chip in now?

I'm sick of hearing about Trump, and I know you are too. But we can't afford to ignore this circus, no matter how absurd it gets. It poses a real threat to our democracy. We've seen how the MAGA cult operates, it's all corruption, chaos, and cruelty.

Help fuel the movement to defeat the toxic MAGA cult with a donation today! We are just $4,755 away from meeting our critical end-of-quarter goal.

Democracy is about coming together, and that's exactly how we're going to win.

Yours in the fight,


Posted on June 28, 2023.

Meet Jim

Jim McGovern represents the 2nd District of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has earned a national reputation as a tireless advocate for his district and as a champion for food security, human rights, campaign finance reform, social justice and peace.

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