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Republican "solutions" to imaginary problems

Last week the GOP tried to advance a bill about gas stoves. It was as ridiculous as it sounds, which is a lot considering their track record. When they're not trying to cut Social Security or rip away SNAP, Republicans spend their time trying to gin people up with silly solutions to made-up problems.

But here's the real kicker – they couldn't even manage to get their bill onto the floor, all because members of the extreme freedom caucus wanted to "punish" Kevin McCarthy.

It's what we've known all along. The GOP doesn't give a damn about gas stoves or any other imaginary issue they use to rouse their supporters. It's all about personal vendettas and power games for them.

McCarthy's lack of leadership is growing more apparent by the day as he bends over backward to cater to the most extreme members of his party, all to keep a hold of his precious gavel. He's wasting everyone's time.

It's time to fire Kevin McCarthy and take back the majority. Will you donate $3 now to help stop this absurdity?

Let's face it, Republicans couldn't care less about working for the American people. But together, we can put an end to their reign of chaos and cruelty.

Yours in the fight,


Posted on June 14, 2023.

Meet Jim

Jim McGovern represents the 2nd District of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has earned a national reputation as a tireless advocate for his district and as a champion for food security, human rights, campaign finance reform, social justice and peace.

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