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Join me in demanding an independent commission!

The American people deserve the truth about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russian officials, and we can’t rely on Trump loyalists to give us straight answers.
The Justice Department appointed a special prosecutor, but it’s not enough. More than ever, we need to ensure this critical investigation is conducted by an independent commission – someone outside the chain of command of Trump’s Department of Justice.
Let’s make it happen, Sign my petition right now to tell Congress to demand an independent commission to investigate the Trump campaign!
The American people deserve the truth about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russian officials, and we can’t rely on Trump loyalists to give us straight answers.
In firing James Comey, the FBI director who spearheaded the investigation into Russia’s influence on our elections, Donald Trump made clear that he would rather keep us in the dark than tell us the whole truth. 
The Justice Department appointed a special prosecutor, but it’s not enough. More than ever, we need to ensure this critical investigation is conducted by an independent commission – someone outside the chain of command of Trump’s Department of Justice.
Let’s make it happen, Sign my petition right now to tell Congress to demand an independent commission to investigate the Trump campaign!
It’s bad enough that Trump’s cabinet picks have misrepresented the facts in their confirmation hearings. It’s even worse that Republican leaders in Congress have stood in the way of a full, independent investigation. And there are few words to describe how appalling it is that, amid serious accusations of collusion with Russian officials, Donald Trump seems intent on covering up the truth at every turn.
Only with a truly independent investigation will bring the answers we need to defend the integrity of our institutions. Together, we can do this: Add your name right now to join me in calling for an independent commission without delay!
Posted on May 25, 2017.

Meet Jim

Jim McGovern represents the 2nd District of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has earned a national reputation as a tireless advocate for his district and as a champion for food security, human rights, campaign finance reform, social justice and peace.

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